Georgia County Listing

                                The numbering system used in this listing was designed by David Marsh from a collection of Georgia Obsolete Currency.                                                                             Use the county name – G for Georgia 1 to 100 for dollars. If there’s two or more from the county with the same denomination
the second is followed by an alphabet letter a,b,c and so on. Bartow County G10 is for a Ten Dollar note, G10a is for a different Ten Dollar note.
 For the fractional notes G005 for Five, G010, G015, G025 for a twenty-five cent note.  

      This listing is dedicated to the memory of David Marsh and the collectors of Georgia Obsolete Paper Money, Al Adams, Carl Anderson, Clay Barrineau, Chip Davis, Charles Derby, Gary Doster,                                  Randy Finefrock, Richard Frey, Russell & Linda Kaye, Ken Latimer, Carl Lester, Gene Mack, Mack Martin, Jim Miller, Claud & Judith Murphy, Kirk Nelson, Chuck Pease, Jim Preston,                                                 Dennis Schafluetzel, David Schnorr, Pat Seagraves, Amanda Sheheen, Hugh Shull, David Stevenson, Greg Ton & Walt Wiegand that contributed information to make this listing a reality.        
Images were used from the collectors above and  Heritage Auctions Archives 

Baker County
The Inferior Court of Bartow County
The County of Berrien
Brooks County
The Inferior Court of Butts County
Calhoun Inferior Court
Campbell County
The County of Clayton
The County Treasurer of Coweta County
The County of Decatur
The Inferior Court of Dooly County
Dougherty County
The Inferior Court of Early County
The Inferior Court of Elbert County
The Treasuer of Harris County, Georgia
The Inferior Court of Hart County
The Inferior Court of Jasper County
The Inferior Court of Jones County
The County of Lowndes
The Inferior Court of Macon
The County of Merriwether
The Inferior Court of Miller County
The County of Monroe
Pulaski County
The Inferior Court of Schley County
The Inferior court of the County of Spalding
The County of Stewart
Tattnall County
The County of Thomas 
The County of Upson
Washington County
The Inferior Court of Webster County
Wilkinson county